As AGRiP moves forward into 2024, we’re focused firmly on the infinite possibilities in pooling.
AGRiP’s culture is one of constant innovation and experimentation. Even though we have many programs, services and conferences that are offered consistently, every outcome is entirely unique. We never do exactly the same thing twice!
We’ll continue this experimentation in 2024, looking for new approaches to legacy events and education, as well as our other programs and services. Much of our innovation is borne directly from ideas generated by members, so be sure to let us know any time you have a suggestion.
Maintaining innovative efforts requires AGRiP to manage for possible distractions and fatigue. In other words, to keep pushing forward on the most valuable ideas for pooling we may need to let some other things go. There’s no specific plan for discontinuing any services, but it’s a possibility we’re willing to consider if and when there’s something more important that needs our time and attention.
Speaking of dedicating resources to the most important priorities, we’ll spend more time with our member pools in 2024. We’ve hired a managing director who will oversee daily operations at AGRiP, creating more time for me to attend pool meetings. Participating directly with you allows us to capture lessons and create content in the form of articles, webinars, Pooling Academy courses, best practice guidelines and more.
In fact, the whole AGRiP team is well-suited to support and engage in this kind of pool-to-pool sharing. Get this — 9 of our 10 AGRiP team members have worked directly for one or more of our member pools. (And the staff member who hasn’t worked for an association of public entities.)
It’s really no wonder that we “get” pools as well as we do, because the AGRiP staff team is engaged daily with our member pools and QEI Patrons and is guided by an incredibly dedicated and thoughtful Board of Directors. If there’s any way we can support your pool with resources or connections, be sure to let us know.
Thank you for your continued support of AGRiP and the work you do that demonstrates the power of pooling. Happy new year!