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Special Membership Meeting on Feb. 11 Will Focus on AI Efforts


AGRiP member pools can join a special one-hour membership meeting at 2 p.m. ET on Tuesday, February 11, 2025 to learn how pools are experimenting with AI and the work we are doing to support you in:

  • Adopting an effective AI use policy
  • Prioritizing an AI learning culture
  • Experimenting with AI tools and initiatives
  • Describing your desired AI environment, including data structure and use by your service providers

We’ll also provide information about how AGRiP will become an AI enabled association in 2025. There will be new methods for pool-to-pool sharing, custom curated resources, and more. The top executives at each member pool received information about how to access this meeting. Check with your pool’s top executive if you’d like to participate.

If you have questions or are a top pool executive but did not receive information about this meeting, contact Claire Torza.
